Naked, Wet & Vulnerable

Hence Human
1 min readMay 5, 2020

And so tonight, I take a shower with you.
Imagine we’re both nude in words; naked.
Vulnerable, the water so cold. I ask you:
What’s your number, what’s your synergy?

I joke around and then we pray before…
this line. Take a deep breathe. Meditate.
I had to sucker you into it with my poetry.
Or they lyrics? Nobody knows it but me.

I hid my deepest dreams within the air.
You just inhale and feel it calm you there.
You are the conversation between Me.
Until the next verse, where we all narate.

Can you control these thoughts now?
This voice you hear that is you, Me, you.
Word, for word, for word. Just concepts.
Breathe, make the fire grow as you read.

Don’t be lazy, use your focus. Positively.
Think of the news. No don’t. Forget that.
Or make your own in revising that past.
You had, have, and are still having it. All.

Because you’re the One. Who. Is. Else?
What you see is what you get is reality.
Read upper line until your nose bleeds:
Mastery, tonight for all of mankind! Yes!

Feel Me in your Soul! And then, let go?
No more bubbles! Our entire Universe…

… Singularity.



Hence Human

Select works from the Advocate as he fulfills Biblical prophecy. (Warning: pre-2022 posts produced in a faculty that processed duality.)