How to Be Saved

Hence Human
2 min readMar 31, 2022
Photo by Edwin Andrade on Unsplash

First of all, you’re going to have to want to be. And that can be more difficult to desire for ourselves than wishing to save others around us. As a Christian, saving somebody boils down to helping them serve the will of God along with the wisdom He grants as we remain in Him while doing so. The story of Jesus testifies to the weakness of the flesh to choose the Light over our own judgment à la our own knowledge and logic.

In reading this, if I’m successfully nudging you towards His presence in your midst for the sake of heaven within and around you, then it’s your faith that has saved you. Your faith saves you. That’s what Jesus says repeatedly in the Gospels. Your faith heals you and gives you sight. That’s how we are saved.

As your faith saves you, so it is that saving another requires simply steering them to strengthen their faith. As a Christian, I’ve learned that faith is Jesus has been most the powerful in overcoming the seemingly impossible and to ward off the evil spirits that tempt the flesh. Having a personal relationship with Jesus as the Lord of my consciousness has prevented me from making exceptions many times where discipline and will power have failed. Choice, even with many years of transformational leadership development and self-mastery practice became the very trap that faith in Jesus has saved me from.

In keeping this short and potent, I bid you peace and joy. God bless!

With mercy,




Hence Human

Select works from the Advocate as he fulfills Biblical prophecy. (Warning: pre-2022 posts produced in a faculty that processed duality.)