The Already Fulfilled

Hence Human
2 min readMay 5, 2020

You’re reading this from who you desire to be, and not from heedlessness, unless you are already the person of your dreams fulfilled, in which case, how wonderful and congratulations! Glad to finally be speaking to the real You, the One who is true to your Highest Self now.

And you are reading this not because you needed, just because you mindfully wanted to. For what’s possible.

It’s so great that we finally made it through the phases where we were hiding our faces behind masks in fear of one another, or was it to protect others in modesty? Overcoming that wasn’t easy so it’s worth mentioning, even if just out of acknowledgement of our greatness.

What a blessing it was in realizing that all we resisted, persisted. Gained the wisdom and maturity to restrain ourselves from posting negativity on facebook just for the sake of attention and rallying support because we learned that what we focus on expands and explodes, ripples from where we stand for generations. Sorry for the contamination. Let’s back up to liberty once again.

Do you remember the time? When we fell under spells and pretended to be enemies? It is a miracle we cured the insanity. Now we are all so pure in heart, mind and deed. Isn’t it wonderful? A little too wonderful. Almost too good to be true. Thank God has so blessed us like this. Tell me: what it’s like to be so free? Home, finally.

And what’s it like to find the middle way, between how it was before this and the way you imagined, and then seeing that it couldn’t have happened any better than?

Tell Me about it! What a wonderful world this is, right? Night after night, we pray like this. Amen… namaste… Peace, we got to really feel it. Believe it in for our kids! The way The Founding Fathers did. Back to the Origin, forward in transformation. From nothing, all creations. Everything out here began within dreams. Mine, yours, theirs; united, that’s US. And bravery is trusting in God.



Hence Human

Select works from the Advocate as he fulfills Biblical prophecy. (Warning: pre-2022 posts produced in a faculty that processed duality.)